Tag Archives: Radio-frequency connector

Radio frequency connector classification

The radio frequency connector is connected with a coaxial cable, a microstrip line or other radio frequency transmission line to realize the electrical connection and separation of the transmission line or the original part of the transfer of different types of transmission lines. It belongs to a mechatronics product and acts as a bridge. The […]

the structure of the radio-frequency connector

Radio-frequency connector is mainly consisted of outer conductor, inner conductor,insulating support medium,The mainly material are as below: Outer conductor:Passivation for stainless steel. copper alloy gold plating,copper alloy nickel plating,copper alloy ternary alloy three-partalloy ect, Inner conductor: copper alloy gold plating,copper alloy silver plating ect, Insulating support medium:PTFE、PEI、LCP ect, The main specification of the RF coaxial […]